Can I move MuseHub?

• Dec 16, 2023 - 15:42

I've recently been cleaning out my C:Drive and discovered that the soundfonts on MuseHub are 13.6 gigabytes, which is pretty substantial for me. For reference that is 13.6 gigabytes out of the 20 gigabytes in my ProgramData folder, which in of itself contains 51 folders. This one folder had nearly 200% of the mass of the rest of all the other folders in ProgramData combined.

I was wondering if there was a way to move it to another drive or should I just uninstall and reinstall MuseHub? Just seeing which way is easier when tackling this, albeit small and simple problem for me.


Moving Muse Sounds (not Muse Hub).
I had the same problem 9 months ago.
I then got adequate help in the Dutch forum from "jeetee".
Of which here the translation:
As far as I know, MuseSounds currently only works when installed in its default location (C drive). However, there is a trick to make Muse Hub & MuseScore think it is, when in reality it may be in a different location (e.g., somewhere on your D drive).
You can do this by replacing the expected location with a so-called "Symbolic Link", see for how to create one.
You first move the already downloaded to your desired location on the D drive, then create the symlink. Muse Hub may indicate that it wants to download all the sounds again at that point; but you'll find that when you do this it goes super fast, because it then discovers that they're actually already there.

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