Musescore Screen Cutoff?

• Dec 19, 2023 - 18:04

First forum question!

I'm running the latest Musescore system for Mac, working on an orchestration (which I'm super proud of so far!). However, I have noticed that my workstation screen is cutting off the bottom of my "staff paper", so that I can't add or change the contrabass parts on several pages... I thought maybe it was because I have too many instruments, but I only have 16 (including contrabass), and this particular problem only seems to apply to a few pages.

It's almost as if I need to tell Musescore to extend my workstation so that I don't exceed some limit of some kind...but I don't have the slightest idea what setting to change.

I have a couple screenshots, which I'll try to upload promptly. Any help with this would be much appreciated, since it's messing up my workflow.


Go to format and page settings where u can set the size of your page and staff distance so it fits perfectly. If you are going to print the score off I would recommend making the staff distance less so it fits on a4.

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