Weird slurs that stretch too far and won't reset

• Dec 23, 2023 - 23:37

There are slurs that look like huge blots of black ink in continuous view, which is how I usually work. In page view, they just stretch far off the page, specifically in measures 81 and 51 of the third movement. Ctrl+R didn't seem to do anything. It was working just fine before Musescore 4.2 dropped. Also, the name is no longer Anguish. It was originally an inside joke but it's now called Concertino. I just never bothered to change it...

Attachment Size
Anguish.mscz 274.58 KB


I was able to Select, then select similar on same staff, and delete until they were all gone. I also changed the scaling. Who knows what else got deleted.
BTW you have a 12 bar gliss in a cello part at measure 51.

Attachment Size
Anguish (11).mscz 632.47 KB

In reply to by bobjp

Yeah, I just don't want to use the select all tool to delete every tie in the score because that's a lot of work to go find all of the places that were tied originally and fix them. Is there some way to remove only the ties that are glitching? Also, the 12 bar glissandi are supposed to be that way unless there's a better way to notate a long cello gliss that covers that time.

In reply to by Daymar3

I didn't get rid of all the ties. Only the problem ones.
So that is a gliss that slides between different notes? For that long.
I mean. You can write whatever you want. I don't think MuseScore can play back some of the things you have written. How do you know what some of those things sound like?

In reply to by bobjp

Well, I've heard it done in Gloria Coates's music, dubstep drops, and a couple other pieces. I think my audiation will do ok in spite of the playback not properly approximating it. It you think that's bad, look at the aleatoric elements from the second movement. MIDI has no idea what the heck to do with that.

As mentioned, the temporary visual glitch in continuous view is known and already fixed in the nightly builds and the upcoming 4.2.1 release. For now, use page view, or reduce staff size, since the bug is triggered by scores that are unusually large.

The issue with bar 51 seems connected to something very unusual going on with the spacing. Notice also how the clef, key, and time signature are way too close together. No idea what's causing it, but I can confirm that it doesn't appear that way in 4.1.1. Please report this to the developers (again, no need to mention the tie issue; that is known already) by opening an issue on GitHub -

EDIT: actually, maybe don't bother, seems this too is fixed in the nightly builds

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