Ties not working correctly

• Jan 4, 2024 - 07:55

In measure 49 of the attached song, I'm trying to tie the last chord of the measure to the first chord of measure 50. However, when I tie the top C it creates a tie to the second C in measure 50. When I tie the bottom C, it also creates a tie with the second C in measure 50.


Attachment Size
time passages all.mscz 67.5 KB


The mistake is that your last C in measure 49 is a Cb, but the first C in measure 50 is a C. You cannot place a tie between notes with different pitches. And because the second C in measure 50 is a Cb, the tie is joined to it when it is added later.
Change the first two Cs in measure 50 to a Cb and you can set the tie.

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