How to find my posts/comments? any search options?
i don't know if it's just me, but musescore forum seems to be a little difficult to search through as well as search for my posts and comments.
it is so hard to search for what i've commented or posted, not to mention the difficulty in searching option inside forum. top bar only lets you search for sheet music. this sucks.
On, under the Activity menu, choose My Posts.
In reply to On, nder the… by scorster
ok this is embarassing, i am pretty sure i've check that, and these weren't there!
In reply to ok this is embarassing, i am… by musebrandy
On there's no "Activity" menu. Better look on the top of this page
In reply to On there's no … by [DELETED] 1307581
dang it. it was .org and .com thing, i just found that out right now.
so i guess there is no link between .com & .org?
In reply to dang it. it was .org and … by musebrandy
It is sometimes confusing. There is already a link to for example, if you enter a song title at the top of the window with the text "Search for Sheet music", you will switch to
But you should always differentiate: here on we deal with questions and problems with the MuseScore notation software. offers ready-made pieces of music for this notation software that users make available. Some are freely accessible, some can only be downloaded with paid access. And they offer a cloud storage space where you can save and/or publish your scores.
In reply to It is sometimes confusing… by HildeK
wow, seach a detailed information! thanks a lot! love the people in this forum!
On simply click on your user name. You will find this page:
In reply to On simply… by HildeK
amazing... so is it possible to search on a specific user?
In reply to amazing... so is it possible… by musebrandy
> Amazing... so is it possible to search for a specific user?
It is not possible to search for a username, but if you see a post by any user, you can click on their name and see where they have been active.
The users have a number, if you know it, you can of course go directly to, where nnnnnnn is the number.
This is your page:, you have the number 5134531, I have 2418264.
Click on my name and see in which posts I have tried to contribute in the past :-) ...
In reply to > Amazing... so is it… by HildeK
or use google:
site: musebrandy
in the searchbox will return your posts
In reply to Me too, I just joined the… by quicklyugly34
In reply to Cool by Josh Steward
How do I delete a comment now
In reply to How do I delete a comment now by Josh Steward
I don't think you can, but if you click on the three dots near your post you can edit it and delete its contents.