Where the heck is the playback tempo?

• Jan 7, 2024 - 20:50

In the newest version can someone please for the love of God tell me how to change the playback tempo when I'm listening through the score. Despite 20 minutes of putzing around, I cannot figure out how to make it play faster.


In reply to by bobjp

That's unbelievably obscure... I pressed the gear icon to check if that tool had been hidden in there, and assumed it hadn't given that it wasn't in the drop menu. Now I have to assume that any function has a chance to be exclusively accessible by undocking random parts of the UI?

In reply to by bobjp

I was looking for this too. Weird that you basically have to undock it for the tempo slider to show. Like others, I'd like to be able to click on the "*=120" at the top right and simply type in the value I want.
Thanks for that tip though. It definitely helped

In reply to by Luke Massery

I get it. I'm saying the time it takes to select and type numbers, doesn't seem much different from select drag and slide.
I use a trackball mouse, so it is very fast.
OTOH, I only compose. Tempo is vital to me. Things sound different at different tempos. I might experiment a little. I always have the tempo marked. If I want to experiment it is just as fast to retype the marked tempo. Or enter a new one.
We all work differently. Nothing wrong with that.

What about adding a "quarter note equals 80" from the left hand side (in the tempo group, I believe). You can change the text value and it will reflect in playback. You can make it invisible if you don't want it to print. You can also use it to create tempo changes in the piece. I found it unintuitive at first but now I almost prefer it to a global setting.

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