Crazy corruption of hairpins, slurs when inserting bars

• Jan 7, 2024 - 21:03

I inserted 10 bars into the middle of a piece and it totally wrecked (shifted) all subsequent hairpins and eliminated many slurs. I don't often perform this procedure, thank goodness, but am now afraid of doing it again, because it took me a good couple of hours to recover the damage (thanks to backup)
Has anybody else noticed this behaviour?


I just tried this with one of my large scores. I couldn't find a problem afterward. How did you add the measures. If you post the score, we might be able to find out what happened. It's only guess work, now.

In reply to by bobjp

I might be better monitoring the situation and keep saving my score and watching out for what happens when I did something similar. I only noticed a while after the insertion (and altering of time signatures for a few bars) had taken place.

I had the same problem in M.S. 3.6.2 by inserting before the beginning of my score 2 measures to make a count with hit-hat . Some harpins and slurs ( not all ) move on the left (I have not look at the numbers of measures but I think it was 2 measures)

I am now sure that this is a repeated and reproducible bug:
I have a whole lot of hairpins throughout my piece.
I was playing around with bar lengths (bars after 144), altered them a few times, with irregular metres. I changed the bar lengths a few times).
I noticed after the modifications, that many hairpins further on in the score had shifted completely.
You'll see that in the attached score (v107 corrupt hairpins) , that everywhere after bar 157 the hairpins have got shifted out of place according to their associated dynamics.
I also attach the uncorrupted score (the one I started with before amending) v106 as a comparison.
I will try to demonstrate with a simple trial with say only one modification, and hope that this produces the same error - Watch this space - I think it will, but for now you will see the crazy effect it has had, and so I ask, has anyone else noticed this?

In reply to by mercuree

Thanks. Yes, a lot. This does produce the error, as you have outlined. But also, changing bar lengths and splitting bars might do.
I don't have the technical ability to follow the github entries. Do you know what the likelihood of them fixing this soon is?
As a workaround I am going to try the following: Instead of joining bars or changing bar lengths in the main score, split and saving the score into two bits splitting at the end of the proposed changes, doing the changes to the first split and then joining the bits together.
I would be glad to hear of anyone else having this issue.

In reply to by Ali Wood

Unfortunately, don't expect a fix until Musescore 4.4.0. I believe that the release should be expected no earlier than Autumn.
These functions (split/join measures) are poorly tested. They can potentially break a lot of things, which you won’t even notice right away, as in the indicated github issue: a person complained about a hairpin shift, but did not notice that his "rit". had disappeared. Try to avoid them.

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