How do I add notes to an existing chord using a midi keyboard input?

• Jan 8, 2024 - 02:51

Up until now, I've been using my computer keyboard to input notes. I use shift to add notes to an existing note or chord. I'm trying to start using a midi keyboard input but can't manage to add multiple notes unless it's the very first time. If I go back and want to add more... it seems like I can't. Shift doesn't work like it does for other input methods. I've seen this bug/complaint reported multiple times in the past since 2017 but it doesn't seem to have changed. Is that just... how it is? If not, please help! If yes... I am very disappointed because that's ridiculous.


You can do it, but the way it works is rather weird (and IMO possibly a bug:

You need to hit the SHIFT key then let go of the SHIFT key and then play the additional note.

The SHIFT key being sticky like this is really odd, and even happens if the SHIFT is part of another command, but in this case it might just do what you want.

In reply to by brettrp

Indeed, the sticky behavior of the SHIFT key can be peculiar. However, it seems crucial for this task. Releasing the SHIFT key after pressing it allows for the desired dish tv outcome by playing the additional note. While unconventional, this approach could be the key to achieving the intended functionality in this specific scenario.

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