Unable to get sounds from MuseHub - Help please

• Jan 16, 2024 - 11:00

I am unable to get sounds from Musehub, so that I can see them in Musescore4.
There doesn't seem to be a "get" option for the sounds I want when I am in Musehub, just a tick.
Any suggestions how I can get the sounds downloaded to be able to view them in Musescore4. WIndows 11 operatiing system Musescore4 v 4.2


... , just a tick."

There is separate Get option for each group of Muse Sounds: Strings, Woodwind, Brass etc.

On my Windows 10 system, each instrument group scrolls across after a reasonable interval. You should see "Get" for any group not yet downloaded.

In reply to by RickLu

Also, open the Hub. In the upper right, click on the Gear icon. Over on the left, click on the circle next to the word "Updates". That should help download sounds that you don't have. Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of the Hub and select "Quit" when you are done. On the way down turn off everything you see. If fact, if you are having trouble, close the Hub, restart your computer and open the Hub again.

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