Musescore 4 - Notes Won't Play

• Jan 18, 2024 - 15:14

Let me begin by saying that I love working with Musescore 4—but it is not without its issues.

One of the most annoying problems I’m experiencing is that notes simply won’t play.

I’ve attached a four-bar score for a string quartet highlighting the issue. The only instrument playing is the cello – a two-bar repeating ostinato. The last eight note in bars 2 and 4 don’t play.

I’ve tried re-entering the notes, cutting/pasting, copying the notes to another file, exporting to MXL and re-inputting, and entering the notes into another file but with no result.

I’ve tried the “fix-velocity” plugin provided in an earlier thread, but it had no effect.

I obviously don’t know the code, but my testing indicates that it might be related to the Musescore sound fonts because when I use another string sound the notes play.

I’m running the latest version of Musescore ( atop Windows 11 Pro 64-bit.

I’m at the point of abandoning this score; I would appreciate any/all suggestions.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Attachment Size
Bug.mscz 19.59 KB


In reply to by cbowmansws

Have you tried restarting MuseScore and/or your PC (turning it off and on again really works sometimes!)

Or try Help>Revert to Factory Settings.
Or, try it with MS Basic Sound fonts.
Or, check that your Musesounds are up to date
Or, try uninstalling and reinstalling Muse Sounds Strings

Or... something else

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thank you for your suggestions - Unfortunately, I've tried all of those and I've also re-downloaded the product.

I don't experience the issue when using MS Basic sound fonts.

Moreover, when I try to "fix" the issue - i.e., I add an accent to a "reluctant" note to get it to play, the problem shifts to the note prior.

I'm at my wits end.

Any other thoughts - I don't care how "radical."

In reply to by cbowmansws

The only thing I can think of is switch back tot MS3 or only use MS Basic sounds and forget the rest. I've tested lots of things, got a new computer and checked all posibilities, with no results.

Others tried to help me but in the end could only reply with: "plays fine here"
But there 'here' is not my here obviously.

Notes won't play - Having the same issue
Running MS4 under Windows 10.
In bar 10, the first two notes in the upper staff (F natural qtr and F natural 8th) refuse to play. I have discovered that by going into the Mixer and sliding the Volume setting for Harmonica 2 all the way down, and then inching it back up, I can get the two notes to play. But when I inch the volume on the lower staff back to Zero dB, they cut out again. I don't know anything about sound fonts or "voices." I'm wondering if assigning the lower staff to a different "voice" might help?

PS: Not stated explicitly above, but just to be clear: If I play Harmonica 1 by itself, there's no problem (even if the slider for Harm 2 is set to Zero dB). It's only when Harm 1 and Harm 2 both playing that the notes in Harm 1 drop out.
PPS: Probably most everyone know this, but Zero dB is baseline - no boost or reduction from normal ambient sound. Zero dB does not mean "no sound."

Attachment Size
Hoochie Coochie Man G (Rone) v2.mscz 40.09 KB

I had the same problem; but I restarted the computer and it worked again. This usually happens after using FL studio, I think it has something to do with the sound drivers or something.

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