Transcription issues with timings

• Jan 21, 2024 - 11:49

Hello, I'm having difficulty merging two transcriptions I'm working on of "Shape of My Heart" by Dominic Miller and Sting. I started with the piano melody so my singer could practice. I found a guitar transcription video and copied it. As they are, both are pretty straight forward and easy to read but when I tried to merge them into a complete score the guitar part plays in half time against the vocal melody. I have a few questions here... 1 What did I do wrong? 2 Is there an easy way to correct this? And 3 Can you explain the music theory behind this? I've attached both file here. I did try to re-write the melody over the guitar part but couldn't get the triplet figures to work correctly and the dotted figures play correctly but don't mathematically come out in 4???? Thanks for you help!
Jeff Largent


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