Pedal without any line (how?)
Hi all, I'd like to add 'Ped' indications with no line, in Musescore 4.
I don't seem to be able to make the line disappear via properties. I can make it very thin (0.01) but it's still visible.
I have a hacky solution by adding a dynamic then editing the dynamic text to be: keyboardPedalPed
then setting Dynamics > Scale = 80%
This does achieve the visual effect, but is also setting the dynamics for playback.
Is there a more correct/elegant solution?
(You might ask 'why?' - well that's how it is in the original manuscript, and I don't want to impose my judgement as to when the pedal should end).
Check the documentation on this:…
Maybe you are trying to remove something which isn't there when printing/exporting?
In reply to Check the documentation on… by Henk De Groot
The line (or rosette) is there when printing/exporting - that's what I'm trying to avoid, but can't find a way..
You've reminded me there is a Ped symbol. however, it's too large, and not seemingly scalable. 'Cue size' is about the right size but rather faint, compared to 'real' Ped lines.
In reply to The line (or rosette) is… by crispin
It should not be exporting/printing when the "Show line with rosette option is NOT ticked:
Another tip, you can insert the Ped symbol into a "text" element (i.e. staff text), using the special characters options, and then you can scale freely.
See also:
In reply to It should not be exporting… by Henk De Groot
I don't want a rosette to display, so I'm not sure this helps?
In reply to I don't want a rosette to… by crispin
How then would you mark the end of the Pedal, its release?
In reply to How then would you mark the… by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't want to indicate the release, as it is not indicated in the original manuscript. I only want the starting 'Ped.' indication. I could just use expression text or similar, but I was hoping to use the usual symbol.
In reply to I don't want a rosette to… by crispin
How then would you mark the end of the Pedal, its release?
Anyway, this is possible, in the text properties of the pedal line:
Just empty that field
In reply to How then would you mark the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks! This gives the result I'm after! So use the rosette option then remove the rosette!
A suggestion/request: - other similar lines such as 8va have a checkbox for 'Show line'. That would be really useful for pedal lines.
In reply to The line (or rosette) is… by crispin
You've reminded me there is a Ped symbol. however, it's too large, and not seemingly scalable.
Have you tried using menu item: Format→Style→Text styles→Pedal to adjust the Ped. size?
In reply to You've reminded me there is… by Jm6stringer
This alters the size of the text on the standard lines (which I don't seem to be able to use within a line or rosette displaying, neither of which I want); it does not alter the size of the pedal symbol (from the master palette).
In reply to This alters the size of the… by crispin
Ah yes, you want neither the line nor the rosette.
Here's another way:
To create a scalable Ped symbol you can select a note, press CTRL+T to enter staff text.
Then, in the Properties panel, click on 'Insert special characters'. You will find a Ped. text character in the 'Musical symbols tab -> Keyboard techniques.
You mention that the Ped. symbol is too large. As staff text, the symbol default size is 10pt. This may be suitable as is. If not, it is scalable. It shows neither a line nor rosette.
In reply to Ah yes, you want neither the… by Jm6stringer
neither the line nor the rosette nor playback
In reply to neither the line nor the… by Jojo-Schmitz
True, and as the OP states:
...well that's how it is in the original manuscript, and I don't want to impose my judgement as to when the pedal should end.
I only want the starting 'Ped.' indication.
It seems to me that the OP is more interested in how the score "looks" (e.g., for printing) rather than producing a "performance" (e.g., audio) version with detailed pedal up/down indicators.
In reply to True, and as the OP states: … by Jm6stringer
Correct, though for passable playback I can still apply the pedal line as I think it should be, without imposing this on the 'published' score. Anyway I have a solution now, so very happy.