Using Underscores in Lyrics in 4.2.1

• Feb 10, 2024 - 22:07

HI, I am trying to add an underscore in Lyrics and the Underscore doesn't show. I press Ctrl + Shift and Hyphen. It moves along as it should but soes not show the Underscore LIne. Is this a bug? Thanks in Anticipation


" I press Ctrl + Shift and Hyphen"

My laptop's keyboard is actually a US-layout replacement for a UK-layout keyboard which died. So I hope this doesn't confuse the issue.

Using Mu 4.2.1 I get a melisma underscore by using only Shift + Hyphen. On this keyboard the "capital" or shifted key on the hyphen is the underscore.

The Mu4 Handbook does not mention use of the Ctrl key for entering a melisma:

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