Instrument name numbers.

• Feb 11, 2024 - 19:06

I'd like to have my instrument part numbers laid out like in the image. Is there a way to create this in Musescore other than creating some text and dragging it to the right position? See the image for an example of what I want. I appreciate any assistance!

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-02-11 130501score.png 18.22 KB


You can do quite a bit within the Instrument long name and Instrument short name, like this:

If you want to "outdent" the Long instrument name to the left for the first system, you can add spaces at the end of the instrument name. See the attached score (the .mscz file), and examine the instrument name layouts in Staff/Part Properties.

Attachment Size
Instrument_name_tricks.mscz 20.33 KB

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