disable string portamento when not notated?

• Mar 13, 2024 - 18:51

musescore will occasionally playback string instrument notes with a portamento effect, despite there being no portamento or glissando notated.

happens both with solo strings and string sections.

is there any way to disable this, or is it baked/hardcoded into the samples?


In reply to by lbonocchi

In the mixer, you can select the sound you want to use. For example for violin sections you have the choice of "Violins 1" or "Violins 2". These labels do not refer to desks, they refer to playing style. "1" is more "expressive" than 2. That's all. So, solo violin 1, has all the portamento. Solo violin 2 has much less.

Depending on the music "1" might fit. I haven't found any yet. But you never know. In all cases so far, I use "2".

In reply to by scorster

Except it's not completely baked in, there are cases where you can avoid it with various workarounds.
I.e. the existing set of recorded samples are capable of producing the expected sound (as a simple example, you can use two separate instruments both using e.g. Muse Sounds Violin 1 and alternate notes between them and the playback sounds far better than when keeping all the notes in one instrument).

In reply to by Dylan Nicholson1

So yeah, I can't hear staccato or accent working for "expressivo" sound flag, and worse, the low A has a "built-in" accent on it. (Actually, I don't really think accents work as expected without that sound flag - in fact they also remove the portamento/chorus effect, and if anything make the notes sound slightly quieter! But staccato works well - at least for shorter notes - I logged an issue around how bizarrely short staccato is on slower notes, and I definitely need it for what I've been working on, so I can't use the expressivo sound flag, unless I kept turning it on and off, which I suppose is a possibility)

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portamento-comparison.mscz 21.51 KB

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