Too Low Sounds on B1, T2, B2 Parts

• Mar 14, 2024 - 11:34

I have recorded Danny Boy, using the new version of MuseScore, and have found that there are too low sounds on B1, T2, and B2 parts. Please help me correct this problem. I'd appreciate it.

Attachment Size
Danny_Boy(2절 한글).mscz 73.01 KB


Dear Heewookim,
I have just looked at your score for Danny Boy.
It is a wonderful song - with great words and melody.
Comment? I don't know where to begin. If the song
is in E flat, the first note of the melody is D.
If you think that song is too low - you could try to
transcribe the song (raise it up) - the key of F or G.
A good idea would be to find a copy of the song on
YouTube and use it as a guide for the melody.
1. Some of the piano part has the correct melody,
the voice part above need to be rewritten.
Why are you doing this song? Is it for you, or someone
to sing? Or is it just an exercise to practice writing music?
I hope that this has been helpful.

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