File menu
When I click on file menu (top left corner) then move the mouse down the menu, as the pointer passes the "open recent" item the list of recent items opens and obscures the rest of the menu.
If I want an item lower down the menu than "open recent" I have to pause on "file" then move the pointer down very quickly indeed to get past "open recent" faster than the computer can react.
Is it possible to make the recent items list appear to the right of the menu list instead of covering it up?
"If I want an item lower down the menu than "open recent" I have to pause on "file" then move the pointer down very quickly indeed to get past "open recent" faster than the computer can react."
For me this is not what happens. As soon as I move the mouse off "Open recent" to "Close", the Recent Files list closes automatically. And in any case, the Recent Files list always appears to the right and never obscures the File options.
My OS and MuseScore version:
OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64,
MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.1-240230937, revision: d757433
What is your OS and MuseScore version?
In reply to "If I want an item lower… by DanielR
Obviously if the recent files list appeared to the right for me as it does for you I wouldn't have needed to raise the question. I cannot move the mouse off "open recent" to "close" because "close" is hidden behind the recent files list.
Windows 11
MuseScore version revision d757433
For me this problem only arrived with 4.4.4