Export parts to PDF with the same format as the complete score.

• Apr 5, 2024 - 08:34

Could it be possible to when an export of one or more parts to have an option to keep the same formatting as the complete score has?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

In this scenario - how can you preview what you would see on the individual parts ..... and even better, compensate for the automated layout? For example, I have an arrangement with three parts in the composite score. I can switch off visibility to all except one part ... and can alter the 'page scaling' to insert a page break where I want it - to make the piece easier to play (like have all of a repeat section on one page).... but when I use the 'File > Export' command - Musescore switches back to the original page scale and uses multi measure rests - which alters the pagination.

How can I control what style is applied to the exported parts?

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