Corrupted score file with an "error" but there is no error in the music

• May 5, 2024 - 01:34

I was writing my piece and was going to save but this message showed up:
"Incomplete measure: Part score: Trumpet 1, measure 216, staff 1. Found: 66/48. Expected: 5/4."
I've dealt with this kind of thing before so I checked the measure to see it something was wrong and, when there wasn't, I highlighted the whole measure, deleted it, and rewrote it. Usually, this works to get rid of the error message but it didn't. I would say if can revert to an old save but I have about 45minutes to an hour of unsaved music and don't want to loose it. I've provided a .png of the measure with a box around it and the error message. Am I missing something or is this just a glitch? If the later, do I just save it anyway or is there a way to fix this?

Attachment Size
Musescore Error Message and measure.png 751.34 KB


Guess here:

Look in the "Trumpet 1" Part, rather than in the conductor's score.

66/48 should be 4 quarter notes + three eighth notes. (It's counted in 1/48ths because of the triplet.) I'm'a guess that in the Part the triplet somehow became three eighth notes rather than a triplet. If that's the case, try deleting the parts and re-generating them since it does appear to be correct in the conductor's score.

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