How may I insert a Segno to mark the place the second violin is to begin in Canonic piece?

• May 6, 2024 - 02:12

I found the segno symbol in Repeats and Jumps. I haven't been able to insert that segno in a 4/4 canonic piece where i need it. I need it at beginning of fourth beat of second measure to signal second player to begin to play as the first player begins to play the forth beat of the second measure. Having the players play the same line but beginning at different times makes the score shorter and easier to deal with and creating it is much quicker. I know canonic pieces are often documented as two separate staffs like a regular duet. I should be able to stick the segno anywhere, not just at the beginning/end of a measure. Basically I can't get the segno to go anywhere in the score.


After you insert the segno uncheck the "Automatic placement" box in the Inspector. Then you can move the segno wherever you'd like.

A Segno is assigned to a whole measure, not to a specific note. It is the target that a D.S. ("Da Segno") points at. It's not for marking some particular point in the score. You could use Staff Text for that, which can be assigned to a specific note/rest. If you insist on it being a Segno, insert the symbol into the Staff Text from the Special characters dialog. But the way Ive seen it notated was just text of 2o (the "o" being superscript), which is the Italian (and Spanish and French and, I think, Portuguese abbreviation for segundo, or 2nd.

However, if I understand what you're doing, I would not use anything. I would explicitly notate the second violin part of the canon in Voice 2 of the same staff. This will have the side effect of making the score playback correctly.

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