Not SOLVED: Playback wrong on "When I'm 64"

• May 9, 2024 - 22:28

File is attached. I'm just beginning to tab out "When I'm 64" and the dotted eighth note followed by a 16th note plays incorrectly. I am at a loss. MS seems to be repeating that 16th note.
Using MS just updated today.

Attachment Size
When I'm 64.mscz 28.12 KB


I don't think "swing" is the reason.

I have noticed that you have not used a linked tab and your tab contains different content than the treble clef staff.
Take a look at my change (made with MuseScore 3).

Attachment Size
When I'm 64_3.7.mscz 14.3 KB

In reply to by HildeK

I'm attaching the original score/tabs (PDF) for '64' -- I am trying to stay true to the original tabs, I've tried playing it the way MS wants, and then how Janos has tabbed it, and I think at this point I will stay with Janos' tabs. I don't like using linked staves to create the tab simultaneously, mostly because I don't agree with the MS tabbing. It takes longer for me to review the MS tabs and correct them than it does to copy/paste the notation into the tab area & adjust there. Then I can simply copy/paste any measures later on in the song that are identical.

I see your change, and that works. Not sure I want to go that route. I just entered 2 more measures and the playback is problematic again.

It seems that if I delete the second tied (tab) note, the playback is OK. Also it appears that the problem may be when I'm tieing an 8th note to a quarter note. But just to mess up that theory, measure 12 works fine. I've added (5) around the tabbed note to indicate that it's not to be played. The whole thing is just inconsistent, so IDK.

I'll also attach my current score so you can see what's going on.

Attachment Size
Whem I'm Sixty Four-U1.pdf 71.7 KB
When I'm 64.mscz 29.67 KB

In reply to by Ukulele Marilyn

I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with tablature notation for stringed instruments. But I understand that there are several ways to play the same pitch on a guitar or ukulele. But I don't know what criteria are used to choose this or that variant :-). I assume because the sound is a little different or because it's easier to play ...

But there is the possibility to simply adjust the notation to your wishes with Ctrl+up/down arrow - even in a linked tab. It is certainly easier - if both types of notation are to be written anyway - to take a linked tab and then make an adjustment with the key combination mentioned. Select the tab number and change the string.

A second look at your original (first) file showed me that the first note is a dotted eighth note, but when you click on the first "four" in the tablature, it's just an eighth note. This does not happen if you use a linked tab.

Since your two staves are not linked, they behave like two instruments, so that a dotted eighth note is played in the standard notation, but a normal eighth note is played in the tablature notation. This leads to this double beat at this point.

But I don't know how tied notes should be written in tab notation.

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