Rhythmic notation above staff in MuseScore 4 is laid out improperly

• May 13, 2024 - 06:01

Hi all -- I'm seeing an issue when I try to add rhythmic notation above an already-written melody.

I started with the melody in voice 1. I then added the hits in voice 3, used the selection filter to select only voice 3, and did Tools -> Toggle rhythmic slash notation. This is how I used to do it in MuseScore 2.

What I expect to see is that the hit on the and of 2, and the corresponding rests, should be above the staff but below the chord symbols, like what's shown here: https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/tools#toggle-rhythmic-slash-notation

What I actually see is what's shown in the attached image -- the hit itself is placed above the staff, but the rests for the hit are below the melody, and the rest for the melody is above the hit.

Any ideas what's going on here? Am I doing something wrong, is this a bug, or is this just the way it works now and I'm responsible for manually moving the rests and flipping the stems as needed?



You're not doing anything wrong. It's a limitation, let's say, and it wasn't any better with V3, with collisions - image below.
You need to manually reposition these rests (remembering to disable their auto-placement in the Properties panel).

collide V3.jpg

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