Unable to save online, is my file lost forever?

• May 13, 2024 - 20:39

I tried to save a score I had worked very hard on, and I got the choices to save locally or on the cloud. I tried to save on the cloud, got a 401 error. It wouldn't save, I tried several times. When I tried to save again I didn't get the prompt to choose where to save, it just tried to save online again. I could close the window (it didn't show the asterisk behind the filename signifying that it was unsaved). The file now shows up in the file viewer, even has a preview of the score, but when I try to open it I get another error message saying the file is invalid...

I have my hopes up since there's actually a preview in place. Is my score lost forever or is there hope? If the file itself is lost, is there possibility a cached version may exist somewhere on my computer?


First, as a general rule, it's best to save locally while working on a score. Once it is complete, save locally again ... and only then try to upload it to the musescore.com webpage.

In Windows, you have to make an explicit change to the File / Save dialog to save a file in a different place than you saved it (or, in this case, tried to save it :-) last time. You might be able to force this by choosing the File / Save As option?

The 401 error generally means that you are not signed into the musescore.com webpage. Explicitly sign out and sign back in and it will usually let you upload.

itzelmesso: you need to describe, in great detail, what's happening. Just saying "It won't save" does not give us any info to try to assist you.

"When I tried to save again I didn't get the prompt to choose where to save, it just tried to save online again"

Use "Save as..." option to save it locally.
Always save your file locally, in a place synchronized with cloud if you want, such as one drive.
But first save target must be local to avoid issue.

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