Create local time signature

• May 31, 2024 - 15:12

In MuseScore 4 I can create a local time signature that's different from the global one, but only if both bar lengths are the same. I can't create local bar lengths that are different from the global ones. In the attached example, I've got one bar of 6/4 in the soprano, but only because it's the same number of crotchets/1/4 notes as the global 3/2. I couldn't have done this if the bars were different lengths without changing the lengths of the crotchets / 1/4 notes, which I want to be the same as the other parts. In the bass part, from the first bar of the example I want the time signatures to be 3/2, 3/2, 2/2, 3/2, 4/2 and 3/4, with the crotchets being the same length in all parts, so that the final 3/4 rejoins the global TS. The bass line's barlines would thus not be in the same place as the global ones. Can this be done? I've tried faking it, but it's both unbelievably clunky and screws up the rest of the formatting so that I can't make it work anyway.

Attachment Size
WiaN local time signature demo.mscz 34.14 KB


AFAIK this is not possible in the current version of MuseScore.

But it is a valid feature request, and the topic is discussed in Elaine Gould's notation handbook
Behind Bars on pp. 174-177 in a section headed Polymetre. Here is the illustration on p.176:

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