Time signature question

• Jun 15, 2024 - 16:01

Hi folks,

I'm converting old scores from Noteworthy to Musescore, and have a question on time signatures.

Current project is a 4-voice hymn, 2 voices per staff. The time signature alternates back and forth from 6/4 to 4/4 to 6/4 etc.

Am I required to specify a time signature at the beginning? Or is there a way to omit the time signature and enter bar lines manually where needed?

At this point all I can figure is to set a time signature at each new bar line and then hide them for printing. That seems very labor intensive and makes for a very cluttered visual score.



If it is a regular alternating pattern, you could make it 10/4 but change the text and insert a barline or dotted barline after the 6th beat. You could save a bit of time by entering rests and then selecting the 6th beat of a bar, right-clicking and choosing Select >More >Same beat and clicking on your chosen barline in the palette.

Attachment Size
Alternate64.mscz 19.85 KB

You could also set the score up with a (for example) 60/4 meter. Make that invisible. Then go to View>Show and un-check Show invisible. Then add notes and barlines as needed. When you reach one of the original bar lines, you can make it invisible. There might be a problem with note duration at that point.

You can always write it out with all the meters. Make them invisible as you go. They won't show if you have the "Show invisible" un-checked.

"Am I required to specify a time signature at the beginning? Or is there a way to omit the time signature and enter bar lines manually where needed?"
Deleting the initial time signature automatically sets it 4/4 (common time)--however, you can change the actual duration of a given measure (your 6/4 ones, for instance) by using the "measure properties" dialogue:
Must be done on a measure by measure basis. A small grey (non-printing) "+" or "-" will appear above measures whose durations have been altered.

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