MuseScore 3 not importing ABC notation

• Jun 22, 2024 - 22:20

When trying to import ABC notation (below), I get the following message:

File '/tmp//1719090592866.xml' is not a valid MusicXML file
Do you want to try to load this file anyway?

It gives me options of "Show Details" "No" and "Yes." If i select Show details, I get:

Fatal error: line 1 column 50 Expected ' ', but got '>'.

If I select "Yes" it generates an all black tab.

The ABC file is below. I've tried using import on other files that were previously succeful and got the same results. I've also tried reloading the plugin. No success there either.

X: 13
T: Seanamhac Tube Station
R: jig
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
K: Ador
|:AGE EDE|AB/c/d eeg|edB dBG|AGE DE/F/G|
A2 G EDE|AB/c/d eeg|edB dBG|1 AAB c2 B:|2 ~A3 A z2||
e3 edB|ded ~B3|edB dBG|AGE DB/c/d|
e3 edB|ded age|edB dBG|~A3 AB/c/d|
e2 g edB|ded ~B3|edB dBG|AGE DE/F/G|
AGE AGE|AGE AGE|edB edB|~A3 AB/c/d|
~e3 ~a3|g2 a b2 a|age d2 e|dBA GAB|
~e3 ~a3|g2 a b2 a|age dBe|~A3 AB/c/d|
~e3 ~a3|g2a b2a|age d2e|dBA G2 A|
AGE AGE|AGE edB|edB edB|~A3 A2 B||


A couple of days ago I encountered the same erroneous behavior in MS3.6 and 3.7 when using the latest ABC import plugin: abc_import-jt.qml, dated June 23, 2022

This response is regarding:

When trying to import ABC notation, I get the following message:

• File '/tmp//theFileName.xml' is not a valid MusicXML file
   Do you want to try to load this file anyway?

It gives me options of "Show Details" "No" and "Yes." If i select Show details, I get:

• Fatal error: line 1 column 50 Expected ' ', but got '>'.

If I select "Yes" it generates an all blank tab.

I'm working on updating the service (from the no longer supported python2 to python 3) and at the same time updating the converter version to the latest as well.

I'm hoping to get it all back up and running by the end of the week.
Apologies for the invconvenience!

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