clean up

• Jun 28, 2024 - 22:18

the score was created on an older version and it includes the unnecessary rest in-between the line and do I delete those rest?

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SA__GaSA_KHOI_DA_!OAB_GE_HA.mscz 30.12 KB


Each stave should have its instrument in Voice 1 which isn't the case here. And the rests are in Voice 1 and you can't delete rests in Voice 1.

First step, then, is to swap from whatever Voice the instrument is in to Voice 1 so the the notes are in Voice 1 now and the rests are in another Voice. Use Tools >Voices >Exchange voice...

Now, when all the rests are in a Voice other than Voice 1, select a rest and right-click on it nand choose similar and the press [Del].

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