"Piano" indication at beginning of score

• Jun 29, 2024 - 03:22

How do I get the word "Piano" to appear at the beginning of the score in a piece for solo piano, as shown in the attached image?

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Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 10.20.27 PM.png 126.15 KB


If the piece is for solo [whatever], the name is commonly not included at all.

If you have more than one instrument, they are included by default. (See the right-hand half of the first screenshot below.)

I had thought that I knew where to tell MuseScore to display that value (the "Long Instrument Name"), but it wasn't where I had thought and I couldn't find it anywhere else. There may not be a way to simply tell MuS, 'display the Long Instrument Name' when it doesn't want to ...

But I found a workaround.

Create a score with two instruments, one of which is the one you want to appear. (In my example, I added a Voice and a Piano.) Now, click on the Instruments panel (upper left, the blue box). Click the little arrow immediately left of the instrument name you do not want to display (the yellow box). This displays the clef on that instrument. (In this instance a "Treble clef".)

20240628 223000-staff names 1.png

Now, left of "Treble clef", click the small "eye" icon (the red box). This hides the staff, but it still acts like it is present, so the "Long Instrument Name" of all staves (now, only the "Piano" staff) will still display.

20240628 223000-staff names 2.png

Be sure not to "close the eye" of the instrument ("Voice", just left of the yellow box). This will hide the instrument rather than only the staff and it will not display the Piano "Long Instrument Name" because there will be only a single instrument in the score.

FYI: If you hide the instrument, the staff is still present in the score, but it will not play. If you hide only the staff (as we did here), the instrument will play, even though it does not appear.

I recommend experimenting with these settings so you know what each possibility does.

[A few moments later ...]

Well, poo!!!

cadiz1's solution is exactly where I had thought it was, but I couldn't find it there. I must have overlooked that checkbox half a dozen times.

That solution is (obviously!!!) better than mine, but mine does work. *sigh*

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