Random bends not working

• Jun 30, 2024 - 18:49

Since upgrading to MuseScore 4.3.2 and downloading the new guitar sounds pack I've been having a lot of fun transcribing some of my favourite songs. Sadly, I've been running into an annoying issue where some of the bends I have used do not take effect. I can only assume this is an issue with playback on certain bars, because if I cut and paste the bar's contents into the bar before and after the bend plays correctly. Random things seem to make certain bends work and not work, in particular changing the score's overall tempo can break and repair certain bends.

I've tried changing from the SC - Lead to LP - Lead and the same thing happens, so both sounds have the same issue. I've also thought about deleting the MuseSpampler.dll file and having MuseHub redownload it, but I think it's the most up-to-date version (0.6.3). I've also tried changing the buffer size in the I/O settings which doesn't seem to have made any difference.

I'd upload the scores, but as they are copyrighted songs I have no idea if that is acceptable or not.

One last thing to add is I am still yet to figure out how to get the tremolo bar effect in the guitar palette to work. I select the note and then click the tremolo icon but nothing happens, despite it being possible to edit its effects in the properties tab.

Thanks for reading!


I haven't been able to replicate this. In the tests I've made, the bends either work or they don't--for the entire score. (And it's usually "they work".)

If you can't include the specific scores, see if you can recreate it in a test score. Just put scales or something in a score, bend some of the notes, and identify which bends play and which don't. (Assuming that you can find a way to make it happen, of course.)

Sorry, didn't even look at your tremolo question. It's late here and I'm shutting down for the night.

In reply to by TheHutch

Thanks for the reply! I'll upload a bit of one of the scores for you to take a look at. Hopefully, that will be accepted by the mods on here.

The bar\measure in question on this one is number 20. You might get the bend not working on your end, but I wouldn't be surprised if it works fine for you. For me the bend doesn't sound; however, you will notice the exact same notes and bend appear in bar\measure 24 and play correctly (for me at least).

I should add that I almost got the bend to work by turning it into a pre-bend and release (which created red bend lines). But that is not what is being played by the artist.

Lastly, I've noticed the MuseSample DLL file is in my Windows System32 folder, but the path folder in the Diagnostic menu in MuseScore claims it should be in AppData\Local\MuseSampler. No idea if that is useful info or not!

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