Keyboard left arrow cursor key moves to beginning of score instead of one note back

• Jul 1, 2024 - 18:15

Sorry if this is documented somewhere but I just could not find it. When I am entering notes for a part on a score, if I need to move the cursor back one note by using the left arrow key on the keyboard, instead of moving back, it takes me to the beginning of the score! I haven't been able to figure out under what circumstances it does this so wished I could be more specific.

I'm just using a standard keyboard and mouse (wired keyboard) and there's no keyboard midi or other devices attached to my Windows 11 desktop pc.

Any ideas what is causing this? Super frustrating!


Possibly you inadvertently changed the shortcut? Inspect the list at Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts. (It's a big list, so use the "Search" box at the top.)

Check if your keyboard has Fn keys associated to the arrow keys. I.e. on my keyboard the arrowkeys also function as Home, PgUp, PgDn, End when I press the Fn followed by one of these. Fn can also be "locked" in the "Active" state meaning that without pressing the Fn key, the alternative assignment to the arrowkey is used.

Home moving back to the beginning of the score would make sense in this case.

In reply to by Henk De Groot

Thanks for the response. As a retired IT professional, I think you are referring to what a laptop keyboard might have. This is a desktop computer and the cursor keys are not linked that way. However, maybe there is something amiss with the keyboard so you could still be right.

It doesn't always do this; only under certain circumstances. Maybe I need to find out what that is to help figure this out. thanks for your idea!

In reply to by Daveknecht

Ah so it does not occur all the time, only sometimes. Which makes the possibility this is caused by configured shortcuts less likely.

I have to admit that I also seem to have this, just when editting music the cursor sometimes jumps to the top first measure of the piece. Have not been able to find the combination of events which is causing this. Hope that one day the sequence of steps becomes clear so that an issue can be reported to resolve it.

The next MS will also be using a newer coding library for dev, maybe that will improve this as well.

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