Repeat series of measures, but play one staff only the first time

• Jul 2, 2024 - 03:18

I am looking to have a set of bars repeat 3x, but only play the treble the first time, leaving the bass and vocal the 2nd and 3rd times. I attached a general photo giving an illustration of what I am meaning (the actual repeat is 15 bars, not 4 like in the photo.) I'd prefer to do this without a volta, if possible. Is there a way that can be performed in Musescore 4 Studio? I tired looking in the handbook but started feeling lost and overwhelmed trying to find that specifically.

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how-to-play-first-only-with-repeat.jpg 134.39 KB


Pretty sure that's not possible without a volta that extends the full width of the repeat. That is, "rolling out" the repeat.

You can certainly include the text as you did in your example and human musicians will understand it and perform it correctly. But to have MuseScore play it properly, you would have to "roll out" the repeat.

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