Codas and Fine's not working

• Jul 3, 2024 - 13:33

Hiya. I'm writing a part out from Ohio State's fight song, "Across The Field" and they have what they call a tag ending which happens at the very end (hence "tag".) I have done exactly what is shown in the original part, though anything after the coda in my score (where the tag is) literally doesnt play. it doesn't allow me to play, if i try to it goes back to the start after fighting it. I'm quite confused.
Below is the MS file for the part, and the original part can be found at https://tbdbit…-02-_solo_1st_trumpet_in_bb.pdf on the second page, titled "Fight the Team (Across the Field) with OHIO tag".

Attachment Size
Across The Field-Bb_Trumpet_1.mscz 16.37 KB


In measure 32, you have both To Coda and Fine. How does the score know which to use? Well, in measure 44, you tell it which to use: D.C. al Fine. This means, go back to the beginning and play to the Fine marking, which is exactly what it plays.

You need to a) lose the Fine, and b) change measure 44 to D.C. al Coda.

... and you might actually want the To Coda in measure 31 and the tag to be half notes rather than quarters. That sounds better to my ear, but I don't know how your band plays it. *shrug*

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