Lost Prima Volta

• Jul 20, 2024 - 00:03


Somehow I lost the Prima volta notation from the Lines palette. Is it possible to get it back?

Using MuseScore 3.6.2.




In reply to by newjim999

The title and body of your post says that you lost the "Prima volta", no mention of a "Prima volta, open".

Prima Voltas are usually closed, but you can create an open one by placing a normal Prima Volta and then altering its appearance via the Properties tab. If it's something that commonly features in your score(s) you can created it and then [Ctlr][Shift]-drag it to your palette.

It has been discussed previously:

In reply to by underquark

The main point is in this commentary (Marc Sabatella), end first link, I quote:

"The usual convention is that if the volta ends with a repeat back, then it is closed - makes it doubly obvious that something special happens at that point.
Only the last volta of a set is open, indicating the music continues. Sure, you don't need the closed volta - the repeat signs alone tell you everything you need to know. it's just a little extra information some (but not all) publishers provide"

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