music drops in volume but there are no dynamics

• Aug 5, 2024 - 17:52

I cannot figure out why the music is fading out at a certain point. I want to check the mixer, but nothing happens when I click it. (I get that in other projects too since I started using MuseScore 4). Listening again, I think it isn't a smooth fadeout. It suddenly drops in level at m.59 and then drops again to a very low level at 61 and then comes back on at forte in m.70.
Screen Shot 2024-08-06 at 1.49.29.png


Question: How do you want us to check that "the music is fading out at a certain point" (and possibly find the explanation) by attaching an image? 🙄

In reply to by edurbrow


The velocity of your notes in the Piano and Acoustic Bass staves is set to 110. By default, the velocity should be set to 64. You have probably imported the notes from another program via an XML file where these excessive values are set.

You can select all notes in the Piano and Acoustic Bass staff and reduce the velocity in the properties under the Play button (from the current 110 to 64). The volume ratio of the staves and chord symbols will then be the same again.

Attachment Size
Velocity.jpg 232.31 KB

In reply to by bobjp


I have now looked at the notes individually. Some of the notes in all 3 staves are set to velocity 110, some to 64. This is why the notes are played at different volumes. It would be best to mark the entire score and set the velocity to the standard 64.
Then you can still consciously influence the volume of the voices with dynamic markings.

The OP didn't write about a gentle decay, but that the levels suddenly drop. In my opinion, the different velocity of the notes in all 3 staves is the cause.

In reply to by manra

I can hear the drop in volume from the third measure onwards.
In fact, the problem comes from the MIDI source of the file. It's systematic (or almost, I don't really remember), the file comes like this when you open it (this is an example with one of my MIDI files):
To restore a correct sound, all you have to do is reset in Inspector the two settings (Velocity type and Velocity) with the cross/left arrow. You need to know this.

The OP file now. Select all (Ctrl/Cmd + A) then the "Notes" tab at the bottom of the Inspector, and you'll see that - image below.
Even though the velocity is at 0, it hasn't been reset. Something's been done, wrong or not, I don't know what.


Anyway, reset and, as if by chance, the drop is gone (or rather, it's more balanced, the first two measures no longer assault your ears!).
As soon as you open a new MIDI file, you should check this immediately. The problem is that this reset function has disappeared in V4. Without using XML export, it can be done in 3.7 Evolution.
This is one of the reasons (among many others) why I'm sticking mainly to Version 3.

The file now: 2example of unseen volume changes 6_8 folk_rock.mscz

In reply to by cadiz1

Thanks for the detailed analysis. I do not use Midi Import and therefore have no experience.

Since it is an MU4 file of the OP I tried to describe the setting in MU4. I am currently also using Musescore version 3.7 (thanks to Yoyo-Schmitz for the updates from version 3.7)

I am currently using MU4 (4.4 nightly) for testing purposes only, as I am missing some functions from MU3 that are important to me.

In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. I feel like a complete idiot. I cannot figure out how to get the inspector. I could do it in Musescore 3.
I searched and got this:
The Inspector appears by default on the right. To show or hide it: Press shortcut F8 (Mac: fn + F8 ), or. From the menu, select View and check or uncheck Inspector .
I don't see it in the View menu. No fn key on this keyboard. F8 shows Properites.

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Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 23.12.39.png 314.06 KB

In reply to by edurbrow

Those instructions apply only to MuS 3. I thought you were working in MuS 4?

If you are in 4, the "Inspector" is no longer a part of the application. Instead, those functions are in the Properties tab at upper left (next to Palettes and Instruments), which I see you already found.

In reply to by edurbrow

There is no Inspector in MU4. Go to View and select Palettes, Instruments, and Properties. Those give you most of what you need. Select a note, select the Properties palette, Select Playback. There you will see a velocity setting. You can't set the velocity of Muse sounds. You can change Basic sounds. In that same area are dozens of other settings.

There are two ways to change the tempo. There is a tempo palette. You can put 1/4 note = 80 in the score. Change the 80 to the number you want.
You can also select and drag the 6 dots to the left of the rewind button. There you can temporarily change the tempo.
Don't for get to spend some time in the manual.

In reply to by edurbrow

OK. So you don't seem to have full screen showing. There should be a Menu Bar across the top. In Windows F11 toggles one type of full screen. There is also the full screen controls in the upper left. You may need to drag the sides of the window to get it to the size you want. Once done, View (which should be in the top menu bar) will allow you to add palettes as well as a toggle for Muse or Basic sounds.

In reply to by bobjp

Thank you for your trouble. I tried clicking but nothing changes. I'm afraid this version of MuseScore just doesn't work with my system very well. I'm just anxious that the next version will be worse because my system is a few years old and on a computer it shouldn't be on (a very old computer) and software is usually meant for the latest OS. No going back to Musescore 3 either, I'm afraid. :-(

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