Codas and Varied Codas

• Aug 12, 2024 - 22:27

There's this second Coda symbol in MuseScore 4 called the "Varied Coda," and there's a "Varied Segno" to match. Now, "D.S. Al Coda" markings obviously brings the score back to the Segno and plays until a marking named "To Coda," while I assume that Doppio Segno is the Varied Segno, therefore the marking "D.D.S Al Doppia Coda" will return to the Doppio Segno and play until a marking instructs the music to skip to the Varied/Doppia Coda marking, yet there seems to be no such rehearsal marking, unless I just don't know what I'm meant to look for. I'm working on the song "Something Wild" from Disney's "Pete's Dragon," (I won't publish it online, as the original score was removed due to copyright issues) and the score contains both regular Segno/Coda markings as well as their Varied counterparts. So, I've been able to make the music go as far as repeating back to the Varied Segno, but then rather than jumping to the Varied Coda, it continues back into verse two/three of the song (It's labeled in the original score as verse three, but personally I feel that it's the second verse. In the original score, verse 2 begins with "You've got a big heart.").

Here is the link for the original transcription:
Here is the link for my score, which I'm having trouble with getting it to match the original:…


As discussed on Discord.
Attached is the version with simplified, minimized amount of labels (best to also add double barlines when performing a Jump, such as a D.S. for clarity).

Attachment Size
Something_Wild_2.mscz 89.14 KB

Is there any way to make a marking that Musescore will recognize where you still keep the repeats, but different notes are played as marked in the measure at a specific time? For instance, in the YouTube video, it shows that the first two notes of the chorus in the Violin part get a higher octave and that measure is marked with text which reads "Play higher notes 2nd time." Is there a way to make this work in Musescore, or do I have to physically write that out?

In reply to by zainepittman3

The latter. But it's a common request, so hopefully someday. Meanwhile, for at least some cases, voltas will work even though they aren't endings, but it's not standard notation and will likely just cause confusion. I redcommend writing what makes sense to write, which is just the text "2nd time only" or whatever, and then if it's important to hear the playback of that for whatever reason, make a copy of the score where you wirte it out in full.

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