Changing names of instruments in the Mixer

• Aug 24, 2024 - 02:12

Why don't the names of instruments in the Mixer change when I update them in the score? It seems that no matter what new names I assign to any staff on the score, the names in the Mixer remain the same. This isn't a big issue when there are only a few instruments, but it becomes cumbersome when managing a large number of them. Is there a way to update the instrument names in the Mixer?


In reply to by cadiz1

Of course not.
My first answer was based on what I thought the OP was wanting. Based on the OP's post in another thread, what I thought was not correct.
My understanding of the word "via" is such that the part name could be changed in the mixer. Which it can not.

So the OP is about changing the name of a part in the score and have that show in the mixer. The only way to do that is with an instrument change. Which is what my answer was based on. Because I though that is what the OP was having trouble with. And even an instrument change won't reflect something like High Alto, or Low Alto. So my bad.

In reply to by cadiz1

I get it. This can be done in MU4. but it takes more steps and probably not worth it.

So, I can see this being an issue. But a regression? I see this term used a lot.

"a return to a previous and less advanced or worse state, condition, or way of behaving"

"A software regression is a type of software bug where a feature that has worked before stops working"

It would make more sense to me if MU4 had these features and they were removed. If MU4 was issued with PRE and then it was removed, that might be a regression. Though maybe not to someone who never used it.
Whether MU4 is a regression or merely a different program is a matter of opinion. For many people, MU4 lacks so many features that the will only use MU3. I get it. We all have to use the program that fits our needs.

I never used the SAVE Button in MU3. Never. I'm not sure I even knew it was there. The uproar that resulted from that button not being in MU4 was interesting. It is deemed yet another "regression". And they are intitled to their opinion. As am I. Personally, I have no use for MU3. It isn't on my main computer. I think it many be on a back up computer.

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