Double or halve the Toolbar's note value with a pair of keystrokes

• Aug 24, 2024 - 02:56

I know about the basic keystrokes (like 3 4 5 6) for selecting note values in the Toolbar—which has differing affects on whether MusesScore is in Note Input mode or not.

Presently I'm pursuing a vague recollection that MuseScore 3.6 and 3.7 have:

• a keystroke that changes the selected note value to double the current value
• a keystroke that changes the selected note value half the current value

Doubling the value yields the same result as pressing 3, 4, 5 ... until I reach the desired value
Halving would be like pressing 5, 4, 3 ...

If this is an option, does anyone know the keystrokes?

Use case? My most common change of note value is doubling or halving, so I'd like two reliable keystrokes—one for doubling and one for halving the Note Input value. In cases where I need to go further it's just another stroke or two.

For me this simpler because, with well chosen shortcuts, I wouldn't need to look away from the score (to the keyboard) because it relieves me of aiming for the intended number keys: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ...


No, there is no way to do this. The closest you can come (and, I suspect, what you are remembering) is this:

With a range selected, press Ctrl+C to copy (or Ctrl+X to cut). Then select the point the new notes will go and click Edit / Paste half duration or Edit / Paste double duration, as appropriate. These two menu items have shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+Q and Ctrl+Shift+W. I'm fairly sure this is NOT what you want.

However, since pressing the appropriate number for a given duration is a single keystroke, it seems unlikely that there would be much need for a shortcut to switch between them. A little practice and you'll remember the number for the duration you're on now and know that half is one less and double is one more.

In reply to by TheHutch

@TheHutch wrote
I'm fairly sure this is NOT what you want.

I know about Paste Half and Paste Double so indeed that is not what I'm seeking.

I believe you correctly understand that I'm looking for something where:

 * could function as "x2" on the current note value in the toolbar
    So if quarter note is selected (5) * selects half note (6)

 / would function as "/2" on the current note value in the toolbar
   So if quarter note is selected (5) / selects eighth note (4)

Seems like a very simple function and ideal if assignable to the user's choice of keystrokes.

In reply to by rothers


Ah, YES. PERFECT!! And soooo easily "left handable."

In Note Input mode: q and w affect the "to be entered" note value (in the Toolbar).

On selected notes in the score: q and w operate, respectively, to halve or double of the value of the selected notes.

Exactly what I was looking for!


In reply to by scorster

Oh no ...

After experimenting in MuseScore 3.6 / 3.7 I see that q and w have two effects in Note Input mode:

     • They update the note value in the toolbar (that's all I want)

     • AND (unfortunately for me) they also change the value of the last entered note

Bummer ... I was hoping for just the former effect, like what we see in MuseScore 4.3.

NOTE: In MuseScore 4.3's Note Input mode q and w do not change the value of the selected note! That function is relegated to Shift q or Shift w—which I concur is much better, and fits my workflow.…

In reply to by scorster

Well, it's like funny, I don't like the change in V4 at all. My workflow is broken by this new behavior, whereas it was just perfect in V3...
And from what I've read in other threads, I can't be the first person to be unpleasantly surprised by this change (although I don't recall any complaints). Sorry!

In reply to by msfp

@msfp Thanks for the link!

As was stated in the thread you cited, after multiple readings I was unable to fully grasped the opening concept or goal.

But the post did inform us of the important point you've illuminated here ... that MS 3.7 has the two relevant shortcut-able Actions:

The following is from the 3.x handbook:

Increase active duration: In note input mode, this shortcut changes the selected duration to the next value above the current one. (NOTE: Apparently the term "active" refers to the selected note value while in Note Input mode, however I'm not aware of the term "active" being similarly used elsewhere in the handbook.)

Decrease active duration: In note input mode, this shortcut changes the selected duration to the next value below the current one.

This functionality is exactly what I want, and ironically—as stated in my opening post—we have it in Note Input via the q & w keystroke behaviors I observed in MS4.3. You can see those behaviors in the video I attached to the following Github post.

More discussion here on Github

To reiterate the request. I see 4.3's Note Input behavior of the q and w keystrokes as a streamlined improvement and would simple like to see 3.7 adopt that. In the meantime I could assign MS 3.7 keystrokes for Increase active duration and Decrease active duration actions.


In reply to by scorster

Glad you find it useful. Well, the goal that post is to discuss adding that two bullet points to the handbook, which were not there then. Looking back now, I think that kind of post (discussion of adding missing info) may not be really necessary. There's barely a handful of active handbook editors, and probably only a portion of them has firm standing/ is familiar with the said particular topic. Jojo-Schmitz also encourages us to be bold.

In reply to by frfancha

@ frfancha, Thanks for asking!

I tried assigning shortcuts this evening:

• a for Increase active duration
• z for Increase active duration

I knew these would conflict with existing shortcuts but expected the dialog to allow me select them nonetheless. Unfortunately the Replace button always remains disabled. So I'm stuck for now.

I looked here for guidance, but will have to pursue a solution again tomorrow.

In reply to by scorster

No really useful, but fwiw 3/4/5/6 are so deep in my brain that I wouldn't find q/w useful at all.
Tip :
3 seems to have double horizontal lines like semiquaver
4 seems to have one horizontal line like quaver
5 is 10/2, middle, like crotchet is middle between the white symbols and the symbols with horizontal lines like quaver and smaller.
6 has a white disk, like a minim

In reply to by frfancha

@frfancha    Not sure I follow, but I think you've supplied a type of mnemonic. That would be helpful for anyone trying to remember how the numbers represent the various note values. But I'm clear on the methodology:

     • 5 sets the note value to a quarter note (crochet)
     • each number rightward (6,7...) yields the current note value x2
     • each number leftward (4,3...) yields the current note value /2

I simply dislike the physical experience of reaching for the keys 1 thru 7

NOTE: All this would be moot if MuseScore had "real" real-time note Input via a MIDI keyboard, which is soooo fast for me. And that's why recording in real-time via a MIDI keyboard is the method I've mainly used in other notation apps—where real-time input also captures velocity. But even at MuseScore 4.3 we're still in no man's land with regard to velocity, so there's a good portion of the value of real-time entry straight out the window.

In reply to by scorster

"So I'm stuck for now." Hope you figured out how to replace the shortcuts for the commands you'd like to use.
If not, this might help:

Q/W is used by default for [Half/Double] but also for [Increase/Decrease (tab)] shortcuts. Due to bad user-experience programming (imo), you'd have to:

1) Clear the [Half/Double duration] shortcuts
2) Clear the [Increase/Decrease Active Duration (Tab)] shortcuts
3) Assign Q/W to [Increase/Decrease ACtive Duration] shortcuts (the non tab ones)
4) Then click Reset Shortcut to Default on the [Increase/Decrease Active Duration (Tab)] shortcuts

I'd imagine that would get you where you wanted functionality wise in 3.7 based on what I understand you to be saying.

In reply to by worldwideweary

@worldwideweary Thanks for the followup.

Yes, your description here is quite similar to the steps I took (and outlined on Github to configure two shortcuts; one for for doubling and one for halving the duration of the pending note Input. Though I detailed my use case reasoning and the steps I took to arrive at a solution on Github, regrettably I forgot to cycle back here to let others know.

Plus I made a request in the Github thread regarding making q & w work in MS3.7 as they do in MSS4.3 and MSS4.4. If that happens I'll revert the shortcuts I absconded with!

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