Access to copy content

• Aug 24, 2024 - 08:54


If you copy a selection in one score, can you access this selection from within a plugin in another score?



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo,

Yes and no, when searching previous posts, I landed on the plugin page and misread 'add plugin' with 'add topic'. So I created a project instead of a forum post. That was not my intention, and you can't reply to it. However, I don't see an option to remove the project. This forum topic should remain.


Yes you can: copy something in one score, focus on another score and run
I attach commands.txt, i.e. everything you can 'try' in the cmd statement
EDIT In MU3 there is also cmd("next-score"); but I doubt this will work in MU4
(and next-score keeps going: back to the first score if you don't stop it.)

In reply to by elsewhere

Thanks, elsewhere. That commands.txt file is really useful.

However, I wasn't looking to paste the copied content, though. I just want to look at the measures, notes, ... in the part that is copied, so have access to the copied content like you have to a score with curScore. Perhaps the structure is different making this impossible.


In reply to by lucvdv

The mentioned plugin does this for you:
property var mxPath : "";
FileIO { id: fid; source: mxPath }
onRun: {

    mxPath = curScore.path.substring(0, curScore.path.lastIndexOf("/")+1) + curScore.scoreName+".musicxml";
    writeScore(curScore, mxPath, "musicxml");
    var mxml =;

Or do it manually via export...

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