Musescore 4/Website changes instruments back to a Default Sound when uploaded

• Aug 26, 2024 - 19:50

So, when i create a score in Musescore 4, it defaults any voice part to the choir ahhs, which i and my choir member find annoying to listen to. While i can change the sound in the Mixer and save it, when i upload the score so i can use it from the app or website via my tablets, it autochanges the voice sounds back to the choir ahhs. If i'm using the app, i cant change it. Is there a way to make it save the default sound as something like the grand piano instead, that way when its uploaded i can play it normally, like version 3 used to?


Have you tried uploading from the MuseScore Studio app? File --> Publish to --> Follow the steps and generate an audio.

Uploading a MuseScore 4/Studio file which uses Muse Sounds through the website will not include the Muse Sounds audio.

Hope this helps.

In reply to by karolcpm

Yes, i have. It does exactly the same thing, changing the sound back to the MS Basic default. In Musescore 3, we could use different Sounds, but it seems that Musescore 4 is preset to these defaults and it wont allow us to change them, or even select among them. How do we go about fixing this? I get it that Musescore Studio was an "improvement", but this feels more like a step backwards.

In reply to by karolcpm

In Musescore 3, you could change the default instrument sound to nay you want. Typically, for choir practice, i change the SATB parts to Grand Piano, which makes it easier for the choir members to follow. In Musescore 4, it defaults to the MS Basic Choir Ahhs. Using the mixer, i can change it to any other Muse Sound, again the Grand Piano, but the minute you upload the score, it auto changes back to the default sound of the Choir Ahhs. So far, I've found no way to change this permamently so that the scores retain the Instrument Sound Setting, which forces me to use the website on my tablet to run the scores. This means i have sub-par control over the score, the loss of basic features, like the metronome, etc.

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