V4 playback holds too long

• Aug 27, 2024 - 03:09

Yes, I know that MuseScore is a notation program; playback is, well, something of an add-on. But V4 changed the way this fragment plays back. The fragment below plays as it should in MS3. In MS4, it holds the note that comes out of the GP/fermata instead of just picking up the tempo indications and playing out. I don't know why. But it has done this for every update of V4 since the first. If anyone has an idea about why V4 plays this back in this manner instead of how V3 plays it back, I'd love to hear it. Thank you.


You have the breath marks set to a length of 5 seconds. Click one, then Ctrl+click the others to select then all, then go to Properties / Playback and set the Pause time to be much less. It sounded good to me at 0.5 seconds.

You also have the fermata set to 200%, but that doesn't appear to affect the delay of the breath mark. I tried it with 50%, 100%, and 200% on the fermata and the breath mark stayed the same.

In reply to by TheHutch

Been a while since I could get back to this. I'm not sure you understood the issue. I rather liked that long GP; the length of that gap was just fine. The issue was the playback of the note that followed the GP. If you listen to the v3 OGG file, the note that follows the fermata (and those that follow it) make sense in terms of tempo. But if you listen to the playback of the v4 OGG, that first note after the fermata holds too long compared to the notes that follow. That's where the question lies. And through all the updates to v4, that has not changed.

In reply to by bobjp

Interesting that it works this way in MS4 (even in 4.4.4); but it seemed to have no effect in MS3. But removing the fermatas did produce the desired playback effect. I haven't had a moment to look into your sharing about the system text, although there are places, even near the end of the composition, that appear to have system text that is not populated through the parts. It's possible I don't know what I'm doing with that.

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