This weird page thing

• Aug 29, 2024 - 09:22

After booting up MuseScore 4.4, I got this weird thing where the title and other text appears on the first page by itself, and the notation appears on the second. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 02.20.22.png 509.26 KB


I can think of a few reasons why it looks like that. But without seeing the score itself (.mscz file) rather than a picture of it, it is impossible to say which if any of those reasons are relevant in your case.

Does/did this score look different in another version of Musescore?

This is most probably happening due to the sheer height of the score. Try: increasing the page size (bigger format, eg a4 to a3), decrease staff space or increase the page margins.

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