Musescore 4.4 Problems

• Aug 29, 2024 - 20:14

Musescore's windows are all over my two monitors that I am currently using and I know that the problem is not on my side because everything worked perfectly with the previous version(I am not able to put any screenshots of it because I cannot create a snippet or at least I don't know how to across two monitors). Also, when creating a score in the key, time signature, etc. section, the prompts look like they are already filled out but they are not. I just downloaded this version and only discovered these two bugs and they are pretty annoying but it's not a Crash-causing bug.

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Screenshot 2024-08-29 210538.png 156.81 KB


I don't understand your first issue, but for the second, the key, time signature, tempo, and length are completed with these default values when you create a new score. What makes you say that they are not?

In reply to by TheHutch

The first issue - When I create a new score, the "window" where you select the instrument or template shows up on my second monitor, and partly out of my monitor boundaries. That also happens when I expand the pallet and click More, the more "window" doesn't show up under the More button but at a different place. This thing happens with some other stuff too.
The second issue - In the screenshot you see Title, Composer, and Subtitle prompts where this is happening. The "Untitled score", "Composer / Arranger", and "Subtitle" are not written in as default values, they just don't have a reduced opacity (or as developers call it) so they don't look like written in.

These problems only appear on my side and there may possibly be a problem on my side too but it's less likely because as I said I didn't have any of the issues while using the previous version.

I apologize if my statements are wrong and everything works perfectly but as the way I see it, it's not.

Thanks for any replies I get,

I am trying to add an image on the first page of the music. I had no issues with the earlier version of Musescore but this one will only add the image so that it is aligned with the left side of the page. My problem is that I cannot center the image. How do I do that on my Mac? Thanks.

In reply to by chinadoll

also, the image cannot be moved, only changed in size. So I cannot move the image around on the page. I can import a composition from the previous version of Musescore that has an image centered on the page. In Musescore 4.4, the image is centered but again cannot be moved, only resized.

In reply to by chinadoll

Never mind. I finally figured it out on my own. This was a change from musescore 4.3.2 and was not noted for Musescore 4.4.
For those who do not know:
Go to properties and then appearance and then select image and adjust offset to move the image. This is in contrast to musescore 4.3.2 where it was easy to adjust the image position simply by dragging it to where you want. Gee, what a nice improvement in 4.4 and thanks for letting us know (ha ha).

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