4.4.0 I can't change colours of notes.
Musescore crashes pressing the colour button in properties menu. The version is Appimage for linux (running on Ubuntu 23.10).
16:59:18.336 | ERROR | main_thread | Qt | Object 0x5ed67fe0ede0 destroyed while one of its QML signal handlers is in progress. Most likely the object was deleted synchronously (use QObject::deleteLater() instead), or the application is running a nested event loop. This behavior is NOT supported! qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/ColorPicker.qml:87: function() { [native code] } /tmp/.mount_MuseScfAtIx7/AppRun: línea 29: 130044 Abortado (`core' generado) "${APPDIR}/bin/mscore4portable" "$@"
IIRC that's a know issue and in the works