Musescore displaying on wrong monitor

• Aug 29, 2024 - 22:22

I have a two-monitor computer set-up, and whenever I open Musescore, it always displays the context menu (and other things such as the instrument selection) on my secondary monitor. As of right now, I am unsure as to whether or not this caused by my computer or Musescore, as this problem only began occurring after I updated both.


IM having similar issues, windows user. Opens kind of half on the big monitor and half on my laptop? Then if i try and move it to my laptop, the scale is really off. Screen shots show open all over both monitors, really tiny on the laptop screen & the menu opening on the big monitor all alone

I have started having this issue as of the most recent update, along with some other menus not working (Pressing 'playback' in the edit properties tab doesn't open anything, the settings icon next to each instrument doesn't open anything,

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