4.4 crashes like crazy

• Aug 29, 2024 - 22:43

1.5 hour, two crashes. Autosave says the autobackup file is "critically corrupted" and cannot restore it.
It is worse than 4.0 ;/

btw. Also plugins not working.


In reply to by mercuree

Thank you <3
I'll check the files you send in a free time.

Measures 240/480? That's rather weird.
I had this composition in Logic. I exported tracks to midi, then I opened them in MS. Maybe this causes the issue? (but I don't have that kind of measures in Logic)

I'm attaching screen with plugins I have installed. Most of them doesn't work in MS4.4 and that is also an issue. Should I open another thread on that?

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 17.00.00.png 823.95 KB

In reply to by korronald

There is a possibility that the problem lies in the import from midi.
1. Create a new project in Musescore,
2. import midi again
3. save the file and close it
4. Try opening the file again.

If the error occurs, the problem is in the import of your file and Musescore developers will need this midi file to fix the import error.

If the problem is in the changes you made to the musescore project, it will be very difficult to guess what exactly you did so that the developers can reproduce these steps and fix the program's behavior.

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