Bring back option in style for default 'play' setting of chords

• Aug 30, 2024 - 00:53

In MuseScore 3, under Style -> Chord Symbols there was a tickbox for 'Play'. This determined whether any newly created chords default to play or not.

In MuseScore 4, this option in Style -> Chord Symbols seems to have disappeared - why? Chords are created with playback turned on, and I have no control over this - so every single chord I add, I have to manually turn its playback off.

It would be incredibly useful to be able to change this setting in the style, as in MuseScore 3 - can't think why it would have been removed.


I don't really use MuseScore 4, so this is a tentative suggestion for a workaround.

As you mentioned, in MuseScore 3 the Play option is set in Format > Style > Chord Symbols > Play [checkbox].
And this setting can be found if you save a Style file (Format > Save style...):
Play enabled: <harmonyPlay>1</harmonyPlay>
Play disabled: <harmonyPlay>0</harmonyPlay>

So you could try applying a MuseScore 4 style file containing just the line for "Play enabled". Then that style file could be used in a template score and to update existing scores?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<museScore version="4.40">

Obviously this won't work if the harmonyPlay property has been completely removed in MuseScore 4 (rather than not surfaced in the UI ). Can you let us know if it works for you?

Attachment Size
Mu4.4_harmonyPlay.mss 139 bytes

I've just discovered the 'Play chord symbols' option in the playback toolbar:
I assume this is now the recommended thing to use? I think it will solve my issue perfectly, but does seem like it might be more limited for other uses than the style setting.

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