Set visibility in text styles

• Aug 30, 2024 - 01:30

I have two main style templates I use - one for full scores, and one for parts. In these, I've set up several user text styles, for various different types of text used in my scores.

I would like to be able to use these text styles to control default visibility. For instance - there are certain types of text that I want to appear in parts, but not in the full score. If text styles included a 'visible' tickbox, I could set them to invisible in full score style, and keep them visible in the parts style.

This would save me having to remember to select all the correct text types each time, and manually making them invisible.


After a bit of playing around - I've found maybe a workaround for this? Another way to make text invisible is by setting the Alpha in the colour settings to zero, and this setting can be saved in a style.

The one down side is this that this makes the text fully invisible - not the greyed-out kind of invisible that you get when 'visible' is unticked - and therefore impossible to click on them once the colour has been set. However, for my purposes, this might do the trick...

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