Musescore 4.4 expecting the wrong amount of counts in a measure?

• Sep 1, 2024 - 11:12

I recently started a score with 3/4 time signature which filled out, but when saving, Musescore claimed the file was corrupted. Specifically, the software flagged a few measures for having 3/4 counts instead of "expected 11/16." I don't know where the 11/16 is coming from, since the time signature is 3/4 and all the measures have 3 quarter notes worth of time allocated. I've attached images of the corrupted file message and the related measures below.

Also worth noting, there are some corrupted measures, as seen in the picture attached, but Musescore does not mark them as corrupted, instead flagging complete measures.

I'd appreciate anyone's help with this.

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As Jojo said, we need the score to be sure, but it looks to me as if you set the measure to 11/16 (inadvertently) with the dotted eighth in the Bass Clarinet. And this threw off all the other staves in that measure. Set the measure back to 3/4 in Measure Properties, then fix the problem in the Bass Clarinet's staff, probably just set it to dotted half note.

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