ouverture de fichiers

• Sep 3, 2024 - 10:45

depuis quelques jours je ne peux lire aucun fichier créé avec musescore 4.4 par contre ils s'ouvrent avec musescore 3. avez vous une solution ?

Attachment Size
Armstrong.mscz 23.45 KB


Opens here, but I guess on your system the filepath contains non-ASCII characters
If so File > Open (Ficheer > Ouvrir ?) or dragging the file into an open MuseScore window rather than double-clicking it works, And it so this is fixed for 4.4.1 already

OTOH that score contains corruptions:
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 66, stave 1. Found: 0/1. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 66, stave 2. Found: 0/1. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 66, stave 4. Found: 0/1. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 67, stave 1. Found: 0/1. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 67, stave 2. Found: 0/1. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 67, stave 4. Found: 0/1. Expected: 4/4.

So fix those at the earliest, Probably best with 3.6.2, which that score apparently stems from, and which also reports those corruptions

Do you have special characters in the path or in the file name such as é, è, á, à or similar?
If so, that's the reason! Either move the file into a Musescore window or use File -> Open or wait for version 4.1.

By the way: English speaking forum ...

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