What happened to scores I had saved?

• Sep 5, 2024 - 04:17

I have worked on and completed half a dozen scores over the last couple of years. Now that the latestest update is here I can only find two (including several versions of one of the two). How can I recover the missing earlier scores? These are short pieces, only one or two pages, but are for duets and one trio. I now want to consider revising one of the missing scores, but they no longer show up in the past scores I saved.

I often use this app just to make more readable score than the one I may have. Or to write a second part to an existing melody. The recent changes to MusScore are starting to look like the unfriendly and now kaput Finale app. MuseScore was useable and helpful but now it seems its on its way to the next music composition app that got overly complex, assumes users are pros or nearly so and becomes a music app of practical use only to a full timer..


Maybe that has something to do with a recent ASCII issue https://musescore.org/en/node/367995 that Cyrillic and French users suffer from. If your scores have non-ASCII characters in their names or are stored in non-ASCII named folders, it may cause an issue with their visibility in Home:Scores.
If that is the case, you should still be able to locate and open your files with Explorer.

To be opened with the Explorer a score must be renamed with ASCII and stored to someplace with a ASCII-exclusive path.

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